Overcoming weariness and burnout

Overcoming weariness and burnout
May 20, 2020 No Comments Bible Study rccgfpcpub

Overcoming weariness and burnout 

RCCG Family Praise Chapel 2020 Bible Study

Two important principles for managing overload and burnout

1. Oversight

2. Boundaries 

Areas where we all need someone to caution us
Exodus 18:1-24

Our faith or walk with Christ. This is #1priority.

Our family – spouse and kids

Our career or business. Life is too short to do something you hate doing. 

Our finances. Money is the most un-surrendered part of most people’s lives. It’s also one of the most out of control areas in people’s lives.

Our relationships with others. 

Our fitness.

Stop being the victim and start setting boundaries..


What are boundaries? 

A boundary is a “dividing line.” 

In geography, a boundary is that which marks the end of one property or jurisdiction and the beginning of another. 

In interpersonal relationships, a boundary is what divides one person from another, so that each can have separate identities, responsibilities, and privileges. 

A boundary creates necessary “space” between individuals. 

John 2:1-10; 7:1-9

Biblically speaking, boundaries are related to self-control

The Bible commands us to control ourselves, whereas our human nature desires to control others

Personal boundaries help to limit our selfish disposition to control or manipulate others. Likewise, boundaries protect us from those who have no self-control and who wish to control us. 

Galatians 6:1-2 & 5 (difficult vs regular duties) For each will have to bear his own load

Boundaries help us all to take responsibility for our own individual lives and choices and allow others to live their own lives and make their own choices (counterculture). 

When we set clear and healthy boundaries, we avoid unnecessary pain, stress, misunderstandings, and a life subject to the control or desire of others.

Don’t outwear your welcome Proverbs 25:17, Judges 19:18-21

Boundaries.. Prov 25:27-28

Boundaries help us define and separate the concerns of others from our calling, our goals, our responsibilities etc.….

It helps us define where someone else’s power or authority ends and where yours begins…

Boundaries help you establish control over yourself first and what is yours


Boundaries help us deal with huge expectations placed on us daily by people close to us (like Jesus) and those who don’t even like us..

Expectations on

How we should behave or act in certain situations.

How we feel, speak, dress, spend our money etc.

How our children should act.


Help us define what we are responsible for… 

Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha

We are expected to deal with our own feelings, attitudes and responses..

Don’t blame people for how you feel or try to control others and make them fit into your mold.

You are responsible for the choices you make.


Boundaries always deals with yourself and not the other person.

You place limits on (you)

how far you can go

How what you can do and not do

What you allow around you 

What you permit others to do to you or do with your property and time

God will not do these things for you..


Boundaries must be communicated Nehemiah 6:3-6

Clearly and often (people forget or taste your limits)

You can create fences or limits with your words.

“No” is a confrontational word…

Other examples of words:

“I disagree”

“ I will not”

“I choose not to”

“It’s wrong or that’s bad or stop that or don’t touch me like that” 


Boundaries help us create a geographical distance from a person, a project, and an environment that is detrimental to our lives.. Prov 22:3; Ex 9:20-21

Example of abusive relationships or work environments.


Boundaries help us set consequences for certain behaviors 

“If you walk this way, this will happen to you”

2 Thess. 3:8-12

Prov 15:10; 16:26; 9:12

Do you know why we refuse to place boundaries on people?
I Samuel 15:17-21; Prov 29:25; Gal. 2:11-14; Jn 12:42; 9:22

Fear of hurting the other person’s feelings…

Fear of abandonment and separation 

Codependency (you both get something from each other)

Fear of someone else’s anger

Fear of punishment (even if you are dying)

Fear of being shamed or insulted

Fear of being seen as selfish or bad 

Fear of being seen as unspiritual 

Guilt conscience 

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