FPC Bible Study | When You Pray

FPC Bible Study | When You Pray
December 30, 2020 No Comments Bible Study rccgfpcpub

When you pray…
Luke 11:1-10; Matt 6:5-15

What is prayer?
Why do we need to pray or what is the purpose of prayer?
Is there a right way or wrong way to pray?
Wrong use of prayer.
Different types of prayer in the bible.
Praying effectively. What is that?
Hindrances to prayer.
What if God does not answer my prayer?
Praying and fasting.

Different types of prayer in the bible
Prayer of relinquishment
Prayer of faith
Corporate prayer or prayer of agreement
Supplication or request
Prayer of thanksgiving
Prayer of worship or praise or adoration
Prayer of consecration
Prayer of intercession
Prayer of imprecation
Prayer of invocation
Praying in the spirit

What is prayer?
The most basic definition of prayer is “talking to God.” Prayer is direct address to God.

It is the communication of the human soul with the Lord who created the soul.
Prayer is the primary way for the believer in Jesus Christ to have fellowship with the Father and to communicate his/her emotions (how you feel Heb 4:14-16) and desires (what you need Luke 11:9-13) with God and to fellowship with God.

What is the purpose of prayer? Why do we need to pray?

What is the purpose of prayer? Luke 11:1-10
Prayer is His invitation to get to know God.
Prayer is a privilege and an opportunity for relationship with the Father of all spirits. God is far above us, completely holy and only comprehensible inasmuch as He reveals Himself to us. Just as friends and family members spend time talking with one another to deepen their relationships, so prayer deepens our relationship with God. Luke 11: Does God hear sinners when they pray? John 9:30-31

Prayer is a way to strengthen our relationship with God.
(Luke 6:12; Matt 14:23). Those in relationships will naturally seek to communicate with each other, and prayer is our time of communication with God.

What is the purpose of prayer?
Prayer is an act of worship to God. He commands us to pray.
When we pray to the Lord, recognizing Him for who He is and what He has done, it is an act of worship. 2 Kings 19:15, 1 Chronicles 17:20, Psalm 86:12–13, John 12:28, and Romans 11:33–36.

How we pray should reflect this purpose; our focus should be on who God is, not on ourselves.

What is the purpose of prayer?
Jeremiah 10:23; Prov 16:1; 20:24; Matt 6:9-10
“The immediate purpose of prayer is the accomplishing of God’s will on earth; the ultimate purpose of prayer is the eternal glory of God”
Author Warren Wiersbe

This overall reason includes synchronizing with God’s will in any present-day situation as He forms us into His image. Prayer’s purpose is not to force or cajole God to go along with our narrow and shortsighted idea of what we think is going on.
Submitting to the Father’s will: “Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matt 26:39). With any request we have, we must submit to God’s will.

There are many other purposes of prayer in these verses?
Ezra 8:21-23
Matt 7:7-8; 21:21-22
Matt 9:37-38
Matt 5:44
Matt 26:41
Rom 10:1; 15:30-32
2 Cor. 1:8-11
Col 4:2-4; 12
Phil 4:6-7

Pray for Needs and desires
Pray for enemies
Against temptation
deliverance from problem brethren
Laboring for the word
For peace / anxiety

There are many other purposes of prayer in these verses?
Pray for the sick
Miraculous healing
Casting out demon
When brethren are in trouble
Choosing leaders
Pray for growth
That the word will spread

James 5:14-15
Acts 28:8-10
Mark 9:29
Acts 12:5,12; 16:25-26; 9:40
James 1:5
Acts 13:2-3
Col 1:9-10; Eph 1:17
Luke 22:32; 21:36
2 Thess. 3:1

Why do we need to pray as Christians when the scripture says God knows our needs?
Matt 6:8; 32
Ps 38:9; 69:17-19

James 4:2-4
Daniel 9:20-23; 10:1-14
Eph 6:10-12
James 5:16

Is there a right way or wrong way to pray?
Matt 6:5-15

Is there anything Christians shouldn’t pray for or pray about?
I Jn 5:14-16
James 5:16
Matt 6:25
Matt 6:33-34 (Message)

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